Priority PICC Solutions seeks to provide healthcare facilities with the highest quality PICC line service. Priority PICC Solutions contracts are flexible and tailor-made to meet the ever-changing needs of your health care facility. We specialize in the following areas of PICC line:
- PICC line insertions at point of care
- Midline Insertions
- Difficult Peripheral Intravenous (PIV) insertions
- Declot PICC lines and other CVC’s
- Central line dressing changes
- CVC assessments and evaluations
- Educational Inservices
- Research/Data Collection/QI process

Our company is committed to providing high quality service while maintaining cost effective outcomes for patients and healthcare facilities.
What is a PICC?
A PICC line is a catheter that is designed to provide the patient and staff with a reliable intravenous access. This is a great option if the patient needs moderate to long term therapy (5 days up to a year). It is also a preferred line if the patient has “no veins” left for IVs and/or lab draws. PICC lines are placed at the patient’s bedside in a hospital or in the radiology department. These types of lines can also be placed in extended care facilities or in the patient’s home.
In adults, PICC lines are inserted in one of the veins in the upper part of the arm basilic, brachial or cephalic veins. The catheter tip is then advanced until it is either in the distal superior vena cava/caval-atrial junction. After the PICC line has been placed, a stat portable chest X-Ray will be ordered to verify PICC tip location. When using a Tip Confirmation System, the PICC line may be used immediately after insertion. The PICC provider will ensure the PICC is in the perfect place before it is used. Power injectable PICC lines may be used for the administration of contrast during CT/MRI scans.
Common Reasons for a PICC Line:
- ICU/CCU patients on vesicants/pressors
- Cellulitis
- Infections requiring long term IV antibiotics
- Lyme disease
- Oncology patients
- Osteomyelitis
- Renal failure
- Septicemia
- Wound infections

What is a Midline?
Midline catheters are peripheral venous access devices that vary in length between 8 – 20 cm. Midlines are placed in the upper arm vein such as the basilic, brachial, or cephalic using an ultrasound for guidance. The tip of the midline catheter ends below the level of the axillary line.
Common Reasons for a Midline:
- Difficult venous access
- Long term (2-4 week) infusion of non-vesicant, non-hyperosmolar or non-corrosive medications
- Limited peripheral veins
- IV Therapy for more than 3 days (the life of most peripheral IVs)
- Patient comfort- fewer re-starts than peripheral IVs
- No X-ray required prior to use
- Less costly than multiple re-starts

Benefits of Using PPS
- Limit liability for the facility
- Increased productivity and time management. Eliminate the responsibility of staffing, providing benefits, sick calls, and maternity leaves
- Increased PICC line placement success rate of greater than 96% compared with staff nurse who occasionally inserts a PICC line 50-70% (Java 2004)
- Increased patient satisfaction
- Quality improvement data collected on catheters to enhance staff education and awareness
- We provide all necessary paperwork for PICC procedure if desired
- Patients will be provided with teaching/discharge instruction
- Flat fee service. Priority PICC Solutions will bring our own supplies (i.e. ultrasound, custom PICC tray, tip location system, & tip confirmation system)
- Free up Interventional Radiology (IR) suite for higher reimbursement cases
- Increase profits for radiologist and facility/cost-effective compared to in-house radiologist placed lines
- Increase job satisfaction for radiologist
- Tailor-made contracts that provide flexibility to the healthcare facility