June 12th, 2017
The health care industry is vast and fast-growing. New, trained professionals are being hired each and every day to address the overwhelming needs of a large, aging demographic and to attend to a public that’s living significantly longer than generations before. Not surprisingly, this has led to a number of hospitals and clinics outsourcing their needs. We provide experienced vascular access nurses Chicago locals trust and that are capable of assisting with a very broad range of needs. When you’re looking for trained talent to help with the insertion of midlines, PICC lines and other vascular issues, you can always count on us.
There are a number of major benefits that hospitals and clinics can gain by working with our nursing teams. Foremost among these is the ability to leverage the expertise of nursing professionals who are solely focused on vascular access. The typical nurse handles a very vast range of responsibilities. Ours, however, specialize in this specific area of care, and thus, they have attained complete mastery over all that it involves. This makes them far more adept at line assertions, removals and management, than the typical, general nurse with the right certifications, but insufficient practice.
Working with these professionals greatly decreases patient anxiety and discomfort. Our nurses are swift, experienced and capable of inserting lines within a very nominal amount of time. Given their skills, all other members of a patient’s medical team can move quickly and proceed about their other duties absolutely unimpeded. Best of all, we offer services and solutions that are perfect for a broad range of circumstances, environments and needs.
For instance, if you want nurses available during a crisis situations, we can provide qualified team members who can arrive on the scene, dressed, equipped and ready to work in almost any environment and setting. These professionals are trained to respond well in high-intensity settings. They also function well as part of busy, bustling, day-to-day options. We work hard to staff professionals who are flexible, adaptable and prepared for both the expected and the unexpected.
Working with our providers does more than make IV and PICC line insertion a lot easier for patients. These efforts can also play a major role in controlling infection. That’s because our nurses are adept in using all of the proper procedures and protocols for keeping patients safe. If your hospital or clinic has struggled with infections or PICC line injuries in the past, choosing to outsource these efforts to qualified individuals with a niche-specific focus could be your best bet.
Outsourcing these efforts is an excellent way to control your costs. We work hard to maintain competitive industry rates, despite maintaining some of the top talent within the industry and professionals that boast a very diverse range of skills. We offer line dressing changes, assessment of central lines, central line evaluation and declotting of PICC lines among many other things. All of our nurses has an ample amount of experience in these areas. Moreover, we diligently assess these professionals to ensure that their methods are always on par with the latest industry standards. You will find that our employees are dedicated to receiving ongoing training for continued learning and the development of all new skills.
While you may want to bring professionals of this caliber onto your own team, it is actually significantly more affordable to staff your facility with individuals who have a much broader and far more general array of skills. These individuals can assist with your day to day needs, while one of our staff members can be on hand to assist whenever special needs arise. This specialty focus ensures that services are delivered in a seamless and timely fashion and with fewer problems. More importantly, we are able to meet your staffing needs within a reasonable amount of time, every time. With advanced notice, we can provide an organized team of nurses to meet the needs of a large and bustling facility. If you need several nurses to assist with moderate options right now, we will be able to dispatch someone right away.
Working with us is also a great way to boost the reputation of your organization. Both patients and regulatory bodies appreciate the level of care that we provide with each and every project. With our help, you can dramatically reduce the potential for IV and PICC line infections and the vast range of secondary, medical and legal problems that invariably ensue these developments. Our services will also make it easier for you to deliver the type of timely and diligent care that all patients deserve and expect.
Call Priority PICC Solutions at 888-742-2765 today to get started with our services!